SIPSI is a web-based system that allows you to set up a company account and assign documents to employees posted to work in France. The SIPSI system is available on the French Ministry's website in French and English. Foreign companies whose employees provide work in France are required to set up an account and assign the appropriate documentation to each person. These documents are to confirm whether the employee in question was paid a rate in accordance with the French minimum wage and whether the employer has appointed a representative in France. Notification to SIPSI must be made prior to the start of the secondment.

Notification in SIPSI of workers posted to France

Starting in 2017, relevant French institutions will be able to view company and employee documents that are stored in the SIPSI system. The French claim that this online tool will help companies better meet their obligations under Loi Macron. Inspection services, meanwhile, will gain more convenient access to relevant documents in SIPSI. The SIPSI system does not replace the paper form. Any foreign employee posted to work in France is still required to have the documents required under Loi Macron. These documents include :
  •  A1 form - ZUS notification
  •  appointment of a representative in France
  •  a bilingual addendum to the employment contract , including information on wages in France.
  •  printout of the SIPSI application
Having a representative in France and completing the declaration correctly are key elements of a successful employee delegation. Contact us to discuss your needs and we will take care of the formalities.
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